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The UK’s biggest Tesla Coil at REMEDY’s Bonfirenight spectacular.

The UK’s biggest Tesla Coil at REMEDY’s Bonfirenight spectacular.

What can evaporate your sweat from ten metres? What generates a ?palpable aura of dread? and is literally awesome? What needs its own separate electrical supply and draws more power a minute than you use in a week?

Disclaimer: The article below has been contributed by the event promoter or somebody representing the event promoter. As such we take no responsibility for accuracy of the content and any views expressed are not necessarily those of Skiddle or our staff.

Date published: 9th Oct 2017

REMEDY pits electricity and fire against each other in a battle for the soul of night this November? That?s awesome and everything, but for the time being, let?s focus on just the Tesla Coil!

Tesla coils were invented by one of sciences biggest badarses: Nicola Tesla. (read about him here: http://www.badassoftheweek.com/tesla.html then keep reading because that website is wicked!)

You will probably know Tesla Coils best from playing Command and Conquer Red Alert where they laid waste to reams of Allied soldiers, but few of us have seen them work in real life. They don?t have many practical purposes... but they can shoot bolts of lightning metres into the air which is bloody amazing. Let?s hook up with one of the scientists who will be joining us at REMEDY this bonfire night:

So what first got you into Tesla Coiling?
I have always been a bit of a science nerd electronics enthusiast/engineer. And one day whilst making a search for a regular old coil I needed for a project. The results came up with Tesla Coil as an option. I clicked... End of story. Such awesome power and beauty would bring any man to want one!
I began to investigate immediately and decided it was just for me. I've been building and showing them for over a decade now.

How dangerous are Tesla Coils really?
You are correct in assuming they are dangerous! In fact they are probably one of the most dangerous and difficult machines to master. The voltages used in the power supply are enough to hurt you and even instantly kill you if you should accidentally come into contact with the primary section of the system.
Not only that but the output of the actual coil itself is extremely high voltage; routinely in the millions of Volts. Voltages like this are incredibly destructive to pretty much anything they contact. If it hits you; you are dead. If it hits an unprotected area of the coil it will destroy the equipment.

Wow so you must have some pretty good safety features then!
So far in over a decade of putting on Tesla demonstrations I haven't had any safety issues or even catastrophic equipment failures. Which I'm extremely thankful for. Safety is our first concern in building and demonstrating this equipment... after all, it's me who has to sit closest to it!

How long did it take your team to build?
The initial build of the machine was a single handed effort that took three to four years and cost a minimum of 3500 pounds to build from scratch with mostly new and some reclaimed materials... The refurbishment was a team effort taking a couple months.

Can we expect anything new or special from you?
I do have a little extra something I may bring with me to... Liven up the display. A little bass.. An maybe a little something more hi-voltage than hi-fi... but you'll have to wait. I'm still beating it into submission... Beating it... [evil genius laughs]

Wow ok, I?m excited about seeing you show off your machine to its fullest! And I can see you?re hyped too! Take care and see you on the 4th for an amazing bonfire event!

Thank for reading this article the bonfire event will also have awesome music from live performers and top DJ's across five rooms, fireworks, bonfire, martial artists, fire performers, and chess. :D

Tickets are no longer available for this event

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