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Kirkcaldy events, clubs, gigs and what's on

Our guide to What's On in Kirkcaldy covers Kirkcaldy clubs, Kirkcaldy gig guide, comedy, tickets and guestlists. Find event listings and line ups, venue details, ticket information, nearby hotels and restaurants - all the essential information in one place! You can also check out our guide to Kirkcaldy.

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Prices shown above may include 'On the door' prices as well as online prices available through Skiddle. Prices may be subject to booking fees and handling charges and may increase over time. Information is entered by event organisers and may be subject to change, please see event page for latest information.

Popular venues in Kirkcaldy

These venues are particularly popular on Skiddle right now, click to find out their upcoming events:

The Windsor Hotel · Fife Ice Arena · Styx Kirkcaldy · Fife Airport · Adam Smith Theatre

View an A-Z list of venues in Kirkcaldy