Ladbroke Hall London

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Ladbroke Hall venue information

The history of Ladbroke Hall is infused with ambition, innovation and craftsmanship. The historic building has been reimagined by Loïc Le Gaillard and Julien Lombrail as a meeting place for innovation. Ladbroke Hall is the beating heart of a living community, an ecosystem, born of shared values: a passion for the arts and the natural environment. It is here to treasure creativity in our visitors, friends and patrons and strive to achieve the eclectic artistic expressions we embrace through art and design, music, theatre, dance, food and learning. Ladbroke Hall endeavours to join in building a fairer planet, showing care and resilience in the face of immense challenges.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Ladbroke Hall

Address: Ladbroke Hall, London, W10 6AZ


Venue short url:

Type of venue: Theatre